Plotting Feature

Siril has a tab for displaying graphs of the data calculated during alignment or other calculations. This tab is very powerful and allows for easy sorting of the images as well as in-depth analysis of them. The shortcut to access this tab is F5.

Registration Plot

In order to improve manual sorting of your registered frames, plotting capabilities have been added in the Plot tab. After completing Registration of your sequence (or when loading a registered sequence), a dropdown list now enables to select parameters of interest for both plotting and sorting your data.


Plot tab as shown after a global registration.

You can also choose to plot one of the parameter vs another. Items available in the dropdown list are:

  • FWHM: This is the maximum width at half maximum, one of the most common criteria to judge the quality of a deep sky image.

  • Roundness: The roundness r is computed as the ratio of \(\frac{\text{FWHMy}}{\text{FWHMx}}\).

  • wFWHM: This is an improvement of a simple FWHM. The FWHM is weighted by the number of stars in the image. For the same FWHM measurement, an image with more stars will have a better wFWHM than an image with fewer stars. It allows to exclude much more spurious images by using the number of stars detected compared to the reference image.

  • Background: Average sky background value.

  • # Stars: This is the number of stars used for registration.

  • X Position: X-shift with regards to the reference.

  • Y Position: Y-shift with regards to the reference.

  • Quality: This criterion is a number in the range [0, 1] that defines the quality of images that have been processed by any planetary registration algorithm.

scatter plot

The values of roundness vs FWHM are displayed as a scatter plot. Hover onto the different data points to show X and Y values, together with the corresponding frame number.

different scatter

Different possibility of graphics taken with the same set of images.

Click on one of the data point to exclude the frame or to open it. The later option will load the picture and pop out the frame selector. The parameter chosen for Y values is reflected in the frame selector last column, which can then be used to sort, review and select or unselect subs from the sequence.

excluding plot

Right-click on a data point to exclude or to load it in the Image preview

You can also mass select/unselect mutliple data points by drawing a selection onto the plot. The information at the top of the selection tells the number of points selected, as well as the boundary values of your selection. You can reshape the selection just as you would do with a drawn selection in the Image view. Once happy with your selection, a right-click will display a menu to keep or exclude the points, or to set the zoom to the selection.

plot selection frame

Right-click on a drawn selection to mass select/unselect or to zoom

Photometry Plot

To complement sorting and filtering frames from the sequence, you can also perform a PSF on a star for the full sequence. The procedure is detailed in the photometry page. Then the photometry item in the first dropdown list becomes sensitive and is automatically selected. The other dropdown list contain the following items:

  • FWHM: Maximum width at half maximum, as defined above.

  • Roundness: The roundness r is computed as the ratio of \(\frac{\text{FWHMy}}{\text{FWHMx}}\).

  • Amplitude: It is the maximum value of the fitted function, located at the centroid coordinates.

  • Magnitude: Relative magnitude of the analyzed star.

  • Background: Average of the local sky background value taken in the annulus.

  • X Position: X-shift with regards to the reference.

  • Y Position: Y-shift with regards to the reference.

  • SNR: An estimator of the signal-to-noise ratio.

In photometry, unlike registration, it is not possible to change the X axis. And only the number of images can be used (or the Julian day).

  • The Clear plots button combines the Clear all and Clear latest menus to clear either all photometric curves, or the last one drawn.

Tools menu

As of Siril 1.4, many options have been moved to the Tools menu, located to the right of the Image processing menu. This menu will be detailled in the section Photometry .

Shared options

Several output files can be produced by clicking on the Output button:

  • Show valid data in Siril plot is an option that displays everything in the plot tab in a new instance of Siril plot.

  • The Export to CSV button exports the displayed plot to a CSV file.

The Display button is used to change the axis units. It contains, depending on what is available, several buttons in a drop-down menu:

  • If the sampling of the images is known, then the arcsec toggle button displays the FWHM in arcsec instead of pixel.

  • In the case of photometry only (so not really a shared options), it is also possible to choose Julian date as the unit of the x-axis.


Hover the text "Hovering for the legend" will show the legend of the plot.

  • Purple curve: actual plot as configured with X and Y selectors.

  • Green curve: sorted values by order of decreasing quality.

  • Circle marker: the value for the reference frame.

  • Cross marker: the value for the currently loaded frame.

Plot interactions

Here is a summary of the possible interactions with the plot window:

  • Left-click in a slider : puts the nearest red dot on it

  • Double-click in a slider : resets this axis

  • Right-click + drag in a slider : move the zoom on this axis

  • Left-click + drag in the plot area : draws a selection

  • Left-click + drag on a selection edge : resize the selection

  • Double-click in the plot area : reset the zoom on the 2 axes

  • Right-click when a selection is active : display the menu to : zoom on the selection/ keep only the points of the selection/ exclude the points of the selection

  • Left-click when a selection is active : delete the selection