Headless mode

Siril can both operate with its graphical user interface (GUI) and with a command line interface (CLI) that does not even require having a display. It can process images for other programs, on remote or embedded computers, using either scripts or real-time generated operations called commands. The capabilities of the headless Siril are in fact those of the available commands. There are more than a hundred, allowing preprocessing, processing and photometry analysis to be done automatically.

Commands can also be used in the GUI version of Siril, either from the embedded command line at the bottom of the control panel, or with scripts. Scripts are simply a text file containing a list of commands. Reading the scripts page is recommended before going further.

With the headless version, commands can be executed either by passing a script to run, or by setting the standard input as a script and writing commands to it, with -s - command line option, or using some named pipes.

Here's an example of bash code calling headless mode, which builds the master-bias and returns its noise to the console in red:

# bash commands to prepare files


######## Set your own variables #############

# Removing process folder if exists #
rm -rf $SCRIPTS_DIRECTORY/process

echo "Running siril bash script in $initdir"

# Example of script that create a master-bias
# and print in red the noise of the image

requires 1.0.0

# Convert Bias Frames to .fit files
cd biases
convert bias -out=../process
cd ../process

# Stack Bias Frames to bias_stacked.fit
stack bias rej 3 3 -nonorm -out=master-bias
cd ../..


log_line=$(echo "$output" | grep -o "log: Background noise value.*")
echo -e "\e[31m$log_line\e[0m"

echo done Siril part

Command Stream (Pipe)

This mode has been introduced with Siril 0.9.10. Commands can be sent through a named pipe and logs and status can be obtained through another. The mode is activated using the -p command line argument.

The protocol is quite simple: Siril receives commands and outputs some updates. Only commands that are marked as scriptable can be used with this system. Whenever the command inputs pipe is closed or the cancel command is given, the running command is stopped as if the stop button was clicked on in the GUI. The pipes are named siril_command.in and siril_command.out and are available in /tmp on Unix-based systems. Since version 1.2.0, the paths of the pipes can be configured with -r and -w options, which allows external programs to create them before starting Siril, typically with the mkfifo command. Also new in 1.2.0, a ping command will simply give a status return, indicating if siril is ready to process a command or already busy.

Outputs of siril on the pipe is a stream of one line text and formatted as follows:

  • ready is printed on startup, indicating siril is ready to process commands

  • log: followed by a log message

  • status: verb [subject], where verb can be either of starting, success, error or exit (exit message is not yet implemented). The subject is the current command name, except for exit that indicates that siril suffered a fatal error and has to exit.

  • progress: value% is the equivalent of the progress bar, it sends percents periodically, and sometimes 0% at the end of a processing as an idle information.