Installation on GNU/Linux

Installation on Debian

The binary package is available on Debian testing and an old version for stable. It can be installed via apt, with superuser privileges:

Installation on Ubuntu or Linux Mint

Official repositories

As for debian, it is available in the repositories, but the version can be outdated:

sudo apt install siril

PPA repositories

The newer version is thus available in our PPA, which is the preferred way to install Siril on Ubuntu or Linux Mint:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lock042/siril
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install siril

Installation of the AppImage binary

For GNU/Linux systems, we also decided to provide bundled binaries with AppImage (x86_64) and flatpak that works on GNU/Linux-like systems. To run the AppImage binary, you just have to download it and allow it to run using the command:

chmod +x Path/To/Application/Siril-x.y.z-x86_64.AppImage

By replacing with the correct path and x,y and z with the version numbers. Then a simple double-click on the AppImage starts Siril.

Installation of the flatpak

Another way to install sable version of siril is to use the flatpak, the utility for software deployment and package management for Linux. To install flatpak, type the following command:

flatpak install flathub org.free_astro.siril

Then, to run the application:

flatpak run org.free_astro.siril