Быстрая фотометрия
Фотометрия выбранных вручную объектов на одиночном снимке
Кнопка Быстрая фотометрия расположена на панели инструментов и используется для выполнения фотометрии звезд. Как правило, это самый простой способ выполнить фотометрию.
Если звезда находится в между нескольких звезд и инструмент не может указать на нужную звезду, альтернативным решением является выделить область вокруг звезды, а затем щёлкнуть правой кнопкой мыши и выбрать PSF. Также может быть интересно узнать, что Ctrl-щелчок средней кнопкой мыши (или Cmd-щелчок средней кнопкой мыши на MacOS) выделяет область рекомендуемого размера для PSF/фотометрии (на основе настроенного внешнего радиуса).
При выполнении фотометрии на RGB изображении результаты фактически рассчитываются для зеленого слоя. Чтобы получить фотометрию для красного или синего слоя, необходимо работать на соответствующих каналах.
Командная строка Siril
psf [channel]
Нажмите на эту кнопку, чтобы изменить режим выбора области изображения, затем нажмите на звезду. Вычисляются фотометрические параметры и PSF (функция рассеяния точки) звезды, что дает множество деталей.
Для расчета PSF используются две модели, которые пользователь может выбрать в окне Динамическая PSF <Dynamic-PSF:Dynamic PSF> (:kbd:`Ctrl + F6).
The result of the photometry and the associated PSF are displayed in the form:
PSF fit Result (Gaussian, monochrome channel):
Centroid Coordinates:
x0=5258.25px 09h25m34s J2000
y0=2179.72px +69°49'31" J2000
Full Width Half Maximum:
Background Value:
Maximal Intensity:
Magnitude (relative):
Signal-to-noise ratio:
SNR=28.9dB (Good)
The fit was done with the Gaussian fitting function so no additional parameters are needed. However, if Moffat was used, the following output will be shown:
PSF fit Result (Moffat, beta=2.9, monochrome channel):
Centroid Coordinates gives the coordinates of the centroid in pixels. However, like in the example above, if astrometry was set on the image, Siril gives coordinates in the World Coordinate Systems (RA and Dec).
Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) is returned in arcsec if the image scale is known (obtained from its header or from the GUI ) and in pixels if not. The roundness r is also computed as the ratio of \(\frac{\text{FWHMy}}{\text{FWHMx}}\).
Angle is the rotation angle of the X axis with respect to the centroid coordinates. It varies in the range \([-90°,+90°]\).
Background Value is the local background in the \([0,1]\) range for 32-bits images and \([0,65535]\) for 16-bits images. This is a fitted value, not the background computed in the aperture photometry annulus.
The maximum Intensity value is also a fitted value and represents the amplitude. It is the maximum value of the fitted function, located at the centroid coordinates.
The magnitude, given with its uncertainty, is the result of photometry. However, if for some reasons the calculation cannot be done (saturated pixels or black pixels), an uncertainty of 9.999 is given. In this case, the photometry is flagged as invalid but a magnitude value is still given, although it should be used with caution.
An estimator of the signal-to-noise ratio is shown in the results. Its value is calculated from the following formula and given in dB:
(1)\[ \text{SNR} = 10 \log_{10}\left(\frac{I}{N}\right)\]where I is the net intensity, proportional to the observed flux F and N the total of uncertainties as expressed in (18).
For easier understanding, it is associated with 6 levels of quality:
Отлично (сигнал/шум > 40 дБ)
Хорошо (сигнал/шум > 25 дБ)
Удовлетворительно (сигнал/шум > 15 дБ)
Мало (сигнал/шум > 10 дБ)
Плохо (сигнал/шум > 0 дБ)
Последнее обозначение отображается, только если вычисление не удалось по той или иной причине.
Finally, RMSE gives an estimator of the fit quality. The lower the value, the better the result.
When the image is plate-solved, the button More details at the bottom of the window links to a page on the SIMBAD website with information about the selected star. However, it is possible that the page does not give any additional information if the star is not in the SIMBAD database.
Quick photometry on sequences
Quick photometry can also be performed on a sequence. This is generally intended to obtain a light curve as explained here. To proceed, you must load a sequence, make a selection around a star, then right click on the image.
Ideally, the sequence must be registered without interpolation so as not to alter the raw data. For example, use the global registration with the option Save transformation in seq file only.
Make sure the inner and outer radii for the background annulus are adapted
to the star and sequence being analyzed. Some images may have much larger
FWHM than the reference image, because of sky conditions or bad tracking.
They can be changed in the preferences or with the setphot
At the end of the process, Siril automatically opens the plot tab showing computed curves. It is possible to click on several stars to reproduce the calculation, however the first star keeps the particular status of variable, and the others serve as references. This is important in the calculation of the light curve.
Computing true magnitudes
The calculated magnitude is only meaningful if it is compared to others in the linear image. Indeed, the value given does not correspond at all to the true visible magnitude of the star, it is uncalibrated, also called relative magnitude.
Siril provides tools that can be used to calculate an approximate apparent magnitude. This requires knowing the magnitude of another star visible on the image that will act as reference. It is currently possible to use only a single star as reference, hence the approximate. For a greater precision, use a star of similar color and magnitude as the star(s) you want to measure should be chosen, and its provided magnitude should be in adequation with the filter used to capture the image. Catalogs contain magnitudes computed using a photometric filters, which is generally not what amateur use to make nice pictures, this adds another approximation.
Do a quick photometry on a known star, the given relative magnitude is
. It is possible to find out the actual visible magnitude by clicking on the More details button as explained above. Let's say the value found is11.68
(make sure you use a value corresponding to the spectral band of the image).Once done, keep the star selected, then enter the following command in Siril
setmag 11.68
That will output something like
10:50:49: Relative magnitude: -2.428, True reduced magnitude: 11.680, Offset: 14.108
Командная строка Siril
setmag magnitude
Калибрует звёздную величину, выбирая звезду и задавая известную видимую звёздную величину.После этого все вычисления PSF будут возвращать откалиброванную видимую звёздную величину вместо видимой величины относительно значений ADU. Следует отметить, что для того, чтобы быть осмысленным, указанное значение звёздной величины должно совпадать с наблюдательным фильтром.Чтобы сбросить константу звёздной величины см. UNSETMAGNow, all calculated magnitudes must have values close to their true visual magnitude. However, this is especially true for stars whose magnitude is of the same order of magnitude as the star taken as reference.
To unset the computed offset, just type
The same commands exist for the sequences. They are seqsetmag
. It is used in the same way when a sequence is loaded.
Командная строка Siril
seqsetmag magnitude
Командная строка Siril