Entête FITS
Keywords contained in the header of a FITS file can be displayed in Siril. To do this, simply click on
.Since version 1.3.0, it is possible to modify the value of keywords supported by Siril, either with the update_key command, or via the GUI, in the appropriate window. This window is divided into two tabs. The first, the Header Editor, is active for single images, out of sequence. It may vary from what the file header actually looks like, and represents more the state it will be in after saving. Keyword values are updated in real time. The second tab displays the header in text format as written in the file and as it was represented for Siril versions below 1.3.0.
HISTORY keywords are not displayed in the editor. They are visible in the Saved Header tab.
Another way of displaying the header is to use the command line dumpheader. It shows the same header as displayed in the Saved Header tab.
As SER files contain very few keywords and are different from FITS files, this command is not applicable to this type of sequence.
Key name, key values and key comments can be modified, however, the key must be unprotected. For easy recognition, protected keys are displayed in salmon color.
Editing is very simple, just double-click on the cell to be modified. The first time selects the field, the second opens the edit mode. Pressing the Enter key validates the entry. To make the changes effective, remember to save the file.
Veuillez noter que Siril ne vérifie pas la validité de la valeur saisie. Il appartient à l'utilisateur de saisir une valeur valide. Une valeur incorrecte peut entraîner un comportement indésirable dans le traitement des mots-clés par Siril.

Fenêtre d'en-tête FITS lors de l'édition de la valeur d'un mot-clé.

Second tab of the FITS Header dialog.
The window contains an option in the form of a Copy selection button. It copies the selected lines to the clipboard in the original format of the FITS header, and works for both tabs.
Finally, you can add a new keyword using the + button at bottom left, and delete one using the - button:
To add a keyword, click on the + button. A new dialog box opens, as shown below. This window lets you add a new keyword, whose name will be limited to 8 characters (the
convention is not used). You can leave the Comment field empty, if the other two are filled in. However, the user can only fill in the Comment field to add a single comment to the FITS header. Finally, if the keyword exists, then its value will be updated with the information provided.La fenêtre pour ajouter de nouveaux mot clé.
To delete a keyword, select one or more lines and click on the - button (or with the keys Del or Backspace). The selected keywords will be deleted, unless they are protected.
When a sequence is loaded, it is only possible to select one line at a time. This means you can only delete one keyword at a time from a sequence. But for a single image, you can select several.
Ligne de commande Siril
Ligne de commande Siril
update_key key value [keycomment]
update_key -delete key
update_key -modify key newkey
update_key -comment comment
Ligne de commande Siril
sequpdate_key sequencename key value [keycomment]
sequpdate_key sequencename -delete key
sequpdate_key sequencename -modify key newkey
sequpdate_key sequencename -comment comment