Installation from source code
Installation from source code is required if you want the latest features, if the past release is getting old, if you want to participate in improving Siril or not use all the dependencies.
Getting the source code
The source code is stored on a git repository, which you can download with this command the first time:
git clone --recurse-submodules
And update it the following times with these commands in the base siril directory:
git pull
git submodule update --recursive
Siril depends on a number of libraries, most of which should be available in your Linux distribution or package manager of choice. The names of the packages specific to operating systems are listed in each section below. Mandatory dependencies are:
gtk+3 (Graphical user interface library), at least version 3.20.
adwaita-icon-theme (icons) to support gtk's look and feel.
cfitsio (FITS images support).
fftw (Discrete Fourier Transform library).
gsl (The GNU Scientific Library), version 1 or 2 starting with release 0.9.1 or SVN revision 1040.
OpenCV and a C++ compiler for some image operations.
Even if Siril can run in console since version 0.9.9, it is still linked against the graphical libraries, so you still need GTK+ to compile and run it.
Optional dependencies are:
openmp for multithreading. Although optional, this dependency is highly recommended as the performance will be much better. The flag of this option is set to true by default. That means if openmp is not installed on your machine, you must add
in the meson setup.libraw, libtiff, libjpeg, libpng, libheif for RAW, TIFF, JPEG, PNG and HEIF images import and export. The libraries are detected at compilation-time.
FFMS2 for film native support as image sequences. It also allows frames to be extracted from many kinds of film, for other purposes than astronomy. Versions < 2.20 have an annoying bug. It is recommended to install the latest version.
ffmpeg (or libav), providing libavformat, libavutil (>= 55.20), libavcodec, libswscale and libswresample for mp4 sequence export.
gnuplot for photometry graph creation (not required at compilation time).
wcslib for world coordinate system management, annotations and the photometric color calibration.
libconfig (Structured configuration files support), used to read the configuration file from versions up to 1.0, only used to get old settings now.
libjson-glib for update checking (useless if you build an non-released version).
Exiv2 to manage image metadata.
libcurl OR glib-networking with its HTTP backend for online operations like update checks, astrometry and photometry requests.
Build dependencies
To install from source code, you will have to install the base development packages:
git, autoconf, automake, libtool, intltool, pkg-tools, make, cmake, gcc, g++
The compilers gcc and g++ from this list can be replaced by clang and clang++ (we use them for development), probably others as well.
The autotools packages (autoconf, automake, probably some others) can be replaced by meson.
Generic build process
Siril can be compiled either using autotools or meson.
The recommended way is to use meson and ninja:
meson setup _build --buildtype release
cd _build
ninja install
To disable some dependencies or features, use meson options -Dfeature=false
or -Denable-feature=yes
depending on the case.
Table below lists all configurable options.
Option |
Type |
Value |
Choices |
Description |
relocatable-bundle |
combo |
platform-default |
[ 'yes', 'no', 'platform-default' ] |
build with resources considered bundled under the same prefix |
openmp |
boolean |
true |
N/A |
build with OpenMP support |
json_glib |
boolean |
true |
N/A |
build with json glib support |
exiv2 |
boolean |
true |
N/A |
build with exiv2 support |
libraw |
boolean |
true |
N/A |
build with LibRaw support |
libtiff |
boolean |
true |
N/A |
build with TIFF support |
libjpeg |
boolean |
true |
N/A |
build with JPEG support |
libpng |
boolean |
true |
N/A |
build with PNG support |
libheif |
boolean |
true |
N/A |
build with HEIF support |
ffms2 |
boolean |
true |
N/A |
build with FFMS2 support |
ffmpeg |
boolean |
true |
N/A |
build with FFmpeg support |
enable-libcurl |
combo |
platform-default |
[ 'yes', 'no', 'platform-default' ] |
Use libcurl instead of GIO |
libconfig |
boolean |
false |
N/A |
build with libconfig support |
criterion |
boolean |
false |
N/A |
build with criterion support |
wcslib |
boolean |
true |
N/A |
build with WCSLIB support |
The autotools ways is well known in the unix world, once the source code has been downloaded and the prerequisites have been installed, the general way to build it is as such:
make install
possibly with superuser privileges for the last line.
You may want to pass specific options to the compiler, for example like that if
you want optimisation and installation in /opt
instead of the default
CFLAGS='-mtune=native -O3' ./ --prefix=/opt
To launch Siril, the command name is siril or siril-cli.
Installation on Debian-like systems
You may want to build a .deb
package instead of using a non-packaged
version, in that case see this help.
In particular, to install dependencies, you can use the command:
apt build-dep siril
Otherwise, here is the list of packages for the current version:
Packages required for the build system:
autoconf automake make gcc g++ libtool intltool pkg-config cmake
List of packages for mandatory dependencies:
libfftw3-dev libgsl-dev libcfitsio-dev libgtk-3-dev libopencv-dev
List of packages for optional dependencies:
wcslib-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev
libraw-dev gnome-icon-theme libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libavcodec-dev
libswscale-dev libswresample-dev libjson-glib-dev libheif-dev
for film input (AVI and others) support:
Installation on Arch Linux
Two packages are available on AUR: siril and siril-git
. Download the
or the repository, install dependencies, run makepkg to build the
package and pacman -U
to install it.
Dependencies (mandatory and a few optional):
pacman -S base-devel cmake git intltool gtk3 fftw cfitsio gsl opencv
exiv2 libraw wcslib
Build Failures
Every commit to Siril git is automatically built in a standard build environment for Linux, Windows and MacOS using the gitlab CI infrastructure. This means that we have high confidence that the master branch, as well as tagged releases, will build successfully given a correctly set up build environment with the necessary dependencies installed.
If you experience a build failure it is likely that this indicates a problem with your build environment or incorrectly installed dependencies - remember many distributions require separate installation of development packages that contain the necessary header files. Check the CI report for the git commit you are trying to build. In the unlikely event that there is a build failure shown, rest assured the team is working to fix it. Otherwise, if the CI pipeline shows green ticks, you will need to review and fix any issues with your own build environment.
If you still believe you have found a build issue that has not been flagged by the CI pipeline - for example if you're building on a different platform such as BSD that the developers don't regularly use - then feel free to raise an issue on gitlab.
Note that issues should only be raised against the master branch or tagged releases. If you are testing new features in merge requests, please provide feedback in comments against the relevant merge request.